How do you build a life around your passion, and what do you have to give up along the way?
We get deep with people who’ve paid a price to pursue their passions.
Tune in for intimate conversations with ex-Olympians, Everest guides, expedition kayakers, activists and athletes who weighed the risk and went for it anyway.
What happens when you live for your sport, then become a parent? How do you give up a relationship for a job— or vice versa? When do you know it’s time to do the Big, Scary Thing? And what trade-offs are you willing to make to get there?
Hear how people like you made adventurous decisions on For The Love Of.

Your hosts and audio BFFs, Angie and Jeni
We’re no strangers to trade-offs ourselves. With major life transitions behind (and ahead of) us, our insatiable curiosity, adventurous spirits and thirst for deep, honest conversations, we’re STOKED to be joining in conversation to explore the how behind living an extraordinary life— whatever that means to each guest.
-Jeni Stembridge + Angie Marie
New episodes every other Wednesday.
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