What I’m shouting from the mountaintops
5 Cheap Pieces of Gear that Upped My Outdoor Game
On a budget? You can still have rad adventure gear.
5 Ways to Make the Ordinary Extraordinary in the Outdoors
Adventure’s a state of mind. You just have to tap into it— along with the costume box.
Why Working Out is Harder Before Your Period (and What to Do About It)
Your physiology changes your body’s response to exercise during your menstrual cycle!
What to Do If You Have Your Period on Race Day
You realize you’ll have your period during the big run, of course. But what if it isn’t so bad after all?
E2T Adventures Podcast: Going with the Flow of Your Menstrual Cycle in Outdoor Adventures
You’ll love this podcast episode for outdoorswomen who have menstrual cycles.
My Challenges and Powers as an Outdoorswoman
I wear sparkly earrings as my shoes pound single-track and my sweat soaks my tank top. I bleed on my period as I tighten my crampons and grab my ice axe. I carry knives and matches alongside flowy skirts and that weird all-natural bright red lipstick I love. This in-between is my Happy Place.
Tips for Flying While on Your Period
Save these tips for the next time Aunt Flo coincides with your trip!