What I’m shouting from the mountaintops
8 Tips to Talk to Young Athletes about Periods and Not F**k it Up
87% of female distance runners don’t talk to their coaches about periods.
From Underfueled to 100-Mile Finisher: How This Athlete Regained Trust in her Body | Eat for Endurance Podcast
I share my story of nutrition, running, and body trust in what might be my most vulnerable podcast episode yet!
What Athletes Need to Know about Periods and Talking to Teens About Them | Tarin It Up Podcast
How can we talk to teens about periods and sports?
What You Need to Know About Getting Your Period Outdoors | Sex Outside Podcast
Period politics, outdoor menstrual products, what adventure guides should be doing, and more.
How To Get More Out Of Your Life By Cycle Syncing In Perimenopause - Period Whisperer Podcast
In this episode of the Period Whisperer Podcast, learn about cycle syncing, cyclical living, perimenopause, birth control, and more.
What You Need to Know About Your Period | 51% Podcast
In this episode of the 51% podcast, host Jesse King asks Angie about the science and mindset around menstrual cycles.
Making Your Period Your Superpower in the Mountains and Beyond | Finding Elevation Podcast
In this episode of the Finding Elevation podcast, host Lisa Thompson speaks with Angie Marie about the intersection of adventure and menstrual cycles.
Embracing Cyclical Living as an Endurance Athlete and Runner: from Body Distrust to a 100 miler
I joined Jon on the For The Long Run Podcast to chat about my running journey and how it relates to my menstrual cycle, entrepreneurship, and more!
Managing Your Energy Instead of Your Time
Whether you’re writing a book, making a career change, or starting a creative project, how do the seasons and energy fluctuations influence how you think, feel, act, and live?
Practical Cycle Syncing Tips for Outdoorsy Menstruators
Menstrual cycle syncing doesn’t have to be dogmatic. Learn how to tune into your period power in a practical, simple way to feel happier and healthier as a busy menstruator.
The Pros and Cons of Different Period Products in the Backcountry
50% of the population will experience menstrual cycles in their lives. If you love spending time outdoors, chances are you’ll get your period on an adventure at some point. So, what are your options for menstrual products, and how can you be mindful of their impact on the environment?
Menstrual Care in the Backcountry
Half the world experiences menstrual periods in their lifetimes, yet we’re taught to hide, neglect and suppress them. Create your best kit to care for yourself in the backcountry on your period!
Outdoor Minimalist Podcast: Periods and Peeing in the Backcountry
This podcast episode is all about peeing and periods in the backcountry. It’s must-know info!
The Whitewater Athlete's Guide to Menstrual Cycles
Four cycle phases, and four different ways to approach your sport over the weeks.
Why Working Out is Harder Before Your Period (and What to Do About It)
Your physiology changes your body’s response to exercise during your menstrual cycle!
What to Do If You Have Your Period on Race Day
You realize you’ll have your period during the big run, of course. But what if it isn’t so bad after all?
E2T Adventures Podcast: Going with the Flow of Your Menstrual Cycle in Outdoor Adventures
You’ll love this podcast episode for outdoorswomen who have menstrual cycles.
Tips for Flying While on Your Period
Save these tips for the next time Aunt Flo coincides with your trip!